Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This website just tried to tell me that I have the same sized boobs as janet jackson, jennifer love hewitt and .... BRIGITTE NIELSEN.



Friday, July 17, 2009

philtrum piercing

I got my philtrum (aka "medusa") pierced today. I have to admit it hurt like a bitch. I have 5 piercings including this one now, and for me getting my belly button pierced hurt the most. I mean, agonizing pain. The medusa probably comes in close second, so I guess it wasn't that bad. I thought the swelling would be of epic, embarassing proportions but it's already going down. I just got it pierced like 5 hours ago and I'm comfortable enough to talk and eat and even be SEEN.
It's also very good for my smoking habit... because every time I smoke, I have to rinse my mouth with salt water which I hate. So yeah, that's about it. I'm pretty excited. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Monday, July 13, 2009. Kiss/Alive35, Bell Centre. I can barely even begin to explain this show; hands down, best show of my life. I can still barely believe or put the thoughts together in my brain that this actually did happen, I saw Kiss. Even when I saw Ozzy back in January 2008, I wasn't even this overwhelmed. To begin with, the setlist was awesome. They opened with Deuce and then ripped right into Strutter, which is my fuckin song. They played all their classics and during Rock and Roll All Nite there was like, a confetti outburst. Fuck, I can't even really get to the point because you'll never get the point unless you were there. When Paul Stanley flew over the crowd, to the makeshift stage that was TWO FEET in front of me, I nearly fainted. PAUL STANLEY, in all his flamboyant and cocky glory, was right in my face singing Love Gun. So yeah honestly, best night of my life. I can't get over it.

Friday, July 10, 2009

ugh- EW

i'm sincerely tired of reading about teenagers in fashion magazines.. there's a reason i don't buy seventeen or cosmogirl anymore. i don't care what Miley Cyrus has to say about, well, just about anything. she was on the cover of Glamour a couple months ago which was bad enough, and today when i went out to buy the august '09 issue of Elle, guess whose face i saw on it... ? yeah, i'm only like 3 years older than her but we live totally different lifestyles and realities. in actuality, she's 14 and i'm 25. same with Taylor Swift being on the august '09 cover of Glamour.. yeah, she's my age, but i don't want to read about some purity-ring-wearing girl who can *gasp* PLAY GUITAR. please. stop.

Friday, July 3, 2009

i need no sympathy

nothing really matters
anyone can see
nothing really matters
nothing really matters to me