Friday, December 9, 2011
It has just come to my attention that my blog is largely viewed by people in the United States and Russia. I honestly, honestly hope that you all don't think I'm crazy. I have always been under the impression that nobody looks at this thing. I would like to know you guys! So please come forward and be crazy with me. x
Thursday, December 1, 2011
opinions are like....
I've noticed recently, either because this is new or because I am now old enough to recognize it, that people try way too hard to change the opinions of others. I understand it in the case of an opinion that is of a dangerous nature (racism and the like) but honestly, if it is of my opinion that, say, ketchup is disgusting and you're threatening my life because of it... you have problems. You'd think (or at least I would) that since we've been in existence for two thousand and almost twelve years, someone would have realized by now that we are all different and therefore do not all think the same way. And isn't that the point of being alive? I'm all for a debate, usually, but why has it reached a point where everything has to be debated. Can things not just be left alone? My opinion will not change your life and the same goes for yours to mine.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
i don't do mornings
so, I've been jobless for 2 months. just came back from a vacation to cuba. one can say I've really been enjoying my sleep. well, maybe a little too much but fuck it, it's my life and my problem to deal with. cut to this morning. i usually wake up at 7:45 am when my boyfriend gets up to go to work, and I'll typically stay awake with him until he leaves and then go back to bed. yeah well... I get back into my beautiful big comfy bed, close my eyes for half a second and then *BZZZZZZZ* oh bliss. the city has decided to dig up my lawn today. why on earth is this necessary? i mean there is quite literally a 15 foot hole in the ground, directly in front of my home, and for what? it's november. so I'm basically just waiting until I can go back to sleep. it's 2 pm now, by the way.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Omnivore vs Carnivore
First off, let me just pre-face this post by saying: what the fuck? When and why did this ever happen? And why does it seem like it's always coming from the vegetarian/vegan camp? Listen, I don't pretend to actually care about the opinions of others whether it's about my sexual preference, the color of my toes or, now, the damn food I eat. But seriously- why does everyone else care? I don't care that you chose to not eat meat, so why do you care that I chose the opposite? I wouldn't even call it a choice. It's just the life I have lived for 21 years. I don't have a problem with it, it doesn't bother me in any way. I never even think about it. So it makes me laugh that apparently everyone else on this earth is losing sleep over it. Let's make this really simple. I never have, and never will, try to tempt you with a juicy steak or a chicken nugget. So please don't try to "tempt" me with your lettuce. Also, what is this bullshit about my heart being significantly lesser than yours because I eat cheeseburgers? All of a sudden, I don't care about animals and I want all of them to die a most painful and gruesome death. While we're at it I want their souls to rot in the fiery pits of hell. Seriously? Go fuck yourself. I have been a loving mom to endless amounts of birds (though I am actually afraid of them), hamsters, rabbits, a piranha and even a hedgehog. I love my dog more than I love anything on this earth. The compassion I have for them is the kind that would make you believe I physically gave birth to these furballs. I've been known to take an animal in even if, in all aspects of my reality, I could not. I did it anyway, because of the love I have for these babies. And yet, I am a heartless meat eating wench. These statements hold no real, valid argument. I equate it to any kind of judgmental "ism" there is out there. Racism. Fascism. Veganism. What's the difference?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
This is like an exact play-by-play of my every day life. Yup, still at Starbucks. And it just gets more and more special as the days go by. People seem to think we're robots, or psychic, or just their personal slaves. Nothing's ever good enough, right enough or... hot enough. Like this one lady who requests her latte to be 200 degrees. When, first of all, the machine's temperature stops at 160. And we're not even allowed to make it hotter than that because then our safety is at risk. With all of that explained, she still wants it that hot. "I don't care if your hands shrivel up into a pile of ashes, I want my 200 degree latte!". At least she knows what she wants because most people don't. They call everything skinny, when skinny is a term that is only used on a handful of drinks on the Starbucks menu. They ask for a small, and when you give them a mezzo (tall, if you're anywhere outside quebec) they're like "No, I said small!". They want everything to be perfect, they want their food to be "fresh" (this might actually be one of my favourites...) Nothing at Starbucks is fresh. It comes frozen. The only reason we suggest for your pastry to be warmed in the oven is because it takes away some of the day old hardness. If you want to eat fresh, go home. The breakfast sandwiches come pre-made, so don't ask us if we can substitute the cheese for something else, don't ask me if I can remove the bacon, don't ask me if it can be made on a different bread. When you ask for something that is on the frapuccino board, don't frown at me when it is handed to you because you wanted a hot drink. If you're not even familiar with the products, why not ASK? In general, don't treat baristas like they are inferior to you. Actually, ANYBODY who is in the industry of servicing your needs should not be treated this way. Why would I want to do ANYTHING for you when you're acting like you're better than me. Even hobos act like I'm mildly retarded. #respectgoesalongway
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Lately my creative juices have been flowing- something that has not happened in, I'd say, almost a good year of pure, mind-numbing inability to get inspired. The media and what was thrown in my face didn't help much I suppose. With all these images of Ed Hardy, Jersey Shore and half-nude popstars, I was beginning to imagine that all class, beauty and talent had flown out the proverbial window of the world. But a couple of things brought my faith back.

I need to mention SyFy's new show "Face Off" first. It's a reality competition to find the next special effects make up artist, judged by the likes of Ve Neill (Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, etc), Glenn Hetrick (owner of Optic Nerve Studios, and has worked on shows such as Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Heroes, etc) and Patrick Tatopoulos (director). I was hooked from the very beginning, as this is exactly the career that I aspire to have and very rarely, if ever, is it talked about and especially not in the spectrum of having its own show. I'm impressed.

Next, I have never purchased Women's Wear Daily magazine but it caught my eye this month as it was their 100 Year Anniversary issue. The cover itself is just phenomenal. Including everyone from Coco Chanel, SJP, Princess Diana, Jackie O, Micheal Kors and Beyonce, to Madonna, Donatella Versace, Iman, Carolina Herrera, and Linda Evangelista (inside flap). Needless to say the pages are filled with even more amazing and inspiring people and moments from the past 100 years. I will be flipping through this giant issue for the next few months for sure.
And, finally, Annie Leibovitz's brand new Disney inspired photos. You remember the ones with Beyonce as Alice, Jessica Biel as Pocahontas, etc... Well this new shoot includes Olivia Wilde as the evil queen in Snow White (a better choice could not have been made. She is an exact replica, amazing photograph), Penelope Cruz and Jeff Bridges as Beauty and the Beast and Queen Latifah as Ursula from the Little Mermaid, etc. Simply amazing.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
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