Friday, March 27, 2009


a lot of things annoying me at this very minute. i almost choked on my fucking lip ring for the 2nd day in a row (not to mention that this has happened at least 10 times in the past 2 months). my ball keeps falling out and getting lost, but eventually i find it around my room and put it back on. well on sunday, it fell down the drain. so now i have a bar sticking out of my face, and when i eat it falls into my mouth due to the stretching of lips... i swear, that is all i needed. no, really, i promise, this is amazing :) i don't fucking have $60 to buy a new lipring just because i'm missing the ball. UGHHHH. and right now, i just have to point out that people are so so so so fucking stupid. ok. and that is IT.

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