I'm drinking a Venti 6 pump Cinnamon Dolce Latte with Whipped Cream, Caramel, Cinnamon and Nutmeg. Needless to say, it's a heavenly little sugar rush. I should also mention that I'm watching Meet Me In St-Louis, which is hands down one of my top 5 favorite movies ever. I can't get enough of this movie. I love Judy Garland for everything that she has ever done. That voice, that face, that HAIR. I am obsessed with the fact that she is a redhead in this film. I have a weird little thing for redheads... And she makes an amazing one. I do have to admit I dyed my hair red primarily under the influence of this movie.
I remember the first time I watched this movie, it was around christmas-time, and the movie is a somewhat christmas-time-y story. Anyway, I remember going out in the cold, Canadian December weather just to grab a box of hair dye. That's how much I loved her hair. That's also how crazy and impulsive I am. But, I haven't changed my mind about it yet, nor do I think I will.

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