Saturday, October 15, 2011

Omnivore vs Carnivore

First off, let me just pre-face this post by saying: what the fuck? When and why did this ever happen? And why does it seem like it's always coming from the vegetarian/vegan camp? Listen, I don't pretend to actually care about the opinions of others whether it's about my sexual preference, the color of my toes or, now, the damn food I eat. But seriously- why does everyone else care? I don't care that you chose to not eat meat, so why do you care that I chose the opposite? I wouldn't even call it a choice. It's just the life I have lived for 21 years. I don't have a problem with it, it doesn't bother me in any way. I never even think about it. So it makes me laugh that apparently everyone else on this earth is losing sleep over it. Let's make this really simple. I never have, and never will, try to tempt you with a juicy steak or a chicken nugget. So please don't try to "tempt" me with your lettuce. Also, what is this bullshit about my heart being significantly lesser than yours because I eat cheeseburgers? All of a sudden, I don't care about animals and I want all of them to die a most painful and gruesome death. While we're at it I want their souls to rot in the fiery pits of hell. Seriously? Go fuck yourself. I have been a loving mom to endless amounts of birds (though I am actually afraid of them), hamsters, rabbits, a piranha and even a hedgehog. I love my dog more than I love anything on this earth. The compassion I have for them is the kind that would make you believe I physically gave birth to these furballs. I've been known to take an animal in even if, in all aspects of my reality, I could not. I did it anyway, because of the love I have for these babies. And yet, I am a heartless meat eating wench. These statements hold no real, valid argument. I equate it to any kind of judgmental "ism" there is out there. Racism. Fascism. Veganism. What's the difference?